
Guidewire Insurance Forum Tokyo 2025


Guidewire Insurance Forum Tokyo 2025

The Ritz Carlton, Tokyo
2F Grand Ballroom, Tokyo Midtown Tower 9-7-1 Akasaka Minato-Ku, Tokyo Japan, 107-6245

Tuesday, 13 May, 2025
12:30 Registration
13:00 - 18:00 Sessions
18:00 - Reception

You already know that cloud technologies are transforming insurance, helping carriers scale, boost performance, innovate new coverage models, and deliver better, faster claims experiences. But real insight comes from shared lessons learned from real-world implementations. At Guidewire Insurance Forum 2025, we’ll bring you all that—and more. During this one-day event, you’ll join the region’s insurance community to gain expert insights, connect with peers, and explore strategies for leveraging modern cloud technologies to enhance your organization’s financial and operational performance.

In addition to keynotes on the latest cloud technologies, you’ll be able to:
  • Meet Guidewire’s leadership team, including CEO Mike Rosenbaum
  • Gain insights on the Guidewire Cloud migration experience from customers across the globe
  • Understand the long-term business value of modern cloud-based infrastructure
  • Get answers addressing your biggest concerns about making the move to cloud
  • Discover the latest innovations for the insurance market and what Guidewire can do for you

Event Registration

Please complete the form below to register.

I hereby authorize Guidewire the right to photograph, reproduce and otherwise use, and permit others to use, my image captured from this conference solely for the purposes of advertising, publicity, and promotion of without further consent or compensation to me, and I hereby irrevocably waive all legal and equitable rights against Guidewire relating to all liabilities and damages by the use of such images.

"Guidewire has a history of investing in R&D to continually improve its system, which gives us confidence that as our needs evolve, they will evolve with us."

Matt Myers

Senior Vice President
Erie Insurance



10:00-10:15 am
Registration & Coffee  
10:15 - 10:45 am
Opening Address Brian Desmond
Chief Marketing Officer, Guidewire
Anaïs Gouzon
VP of Solution Advisory, EMEA, Guidewire
10:45 - 11:15 am
Guidewire Keynote Guidewire
11:15 am - 12:45
12:45 - 1:30 pm
Customer Case Study Niels Zijderveld, Guidewire
1:45 - 3:00 pm
Partner Perspectives
5 Key Trends in General Insurance Core Transformation
Matthew Wolff, Principal, Technology & Transformation, PwC



Join us this year at the luxurious Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo. The event will take place in the 2F Grand Ballroom.



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