Web seminar

Core System Usability: So Much More than a Pretty Screen

A well-designed core insurance system is more than just a computer screen with pretty colors and a good use of white space. With users spending eight or more hours a day working on claims, billing, underwriting or policy administration processes, their systems should intuitively help them simplify and streamline complex tasks for optimum efficiency.

When evaluating new core systems, insurers have much to consider. Join us to learn:

    * What usability really means and why it is important
    * How usability considerations vary by audience
    * The 5 'E's of usability and how they impact the way you deliver insurance
    * What to look for when assessing a system's usability


    * Jeff Goldberg, Senior Analyst, Celent
    * Neil Betteridge, Director of Product Marketing, Guidewire
    * Maureen Kelly, Usability Product Manager, Guidewire

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